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No 142 »Open the heavens to me!«

J. S. Bach: Johannes-Passion, BWV 245 (Szenische Aufführung)
Artists: Sebastian Kohlhepp (tenor – Evangelist), Erik Sohn (bass – Jesus), Catalina Bertucci (soprano), Charlotte Quadt (alto), Tobias Hunger (tenor – arias), Thomas Laske (bass – Pilate and arias), Vox Bona, BonnBarock, Gregor Horres (director), Stephanie Koch (director), direction: Karin Freist-Wissing
Conducted by Karin Freist-Wissing, the ensembles Vox Bona and BonnBarock delighted audiences at the 2019 Bachfest with their stage production of Johann Sebastian Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. Now, five years later, they will be back in Leipzig with the St. John Passion, again in a stage version. This focuses on Pontius Pilate’s still highly topical question: »What is truth?«. A maze on the stage symbolises despair, war and the lack of communication, while during the course of the performance, corresponding to Bach’s music and the Passion story, alternative models for behaviour become apparent.